What is LuLaRoe?
LuLaRoe is a clothing manufacturer, founded by DeAnne Stidham, that sells through Independent Fashion Retailers, like me! LuLaRoe exists to provide an opportunity for people to create freedom by selling comfortable, affordable, stylish clothing, and offering its Retailers the independence to set their own pace and schedule. This creates the time to spend with those closest to them, the very thing DeAnne had once desired for herself!
Where through fashion we create freedom, serve others, and strengthen families. A place where lives are being blessed and dreams achieved through love, purpose, confidence, trust, and growth.
Our Approach
Our Story
Why I Sell LuLaRoe
My WHY is for a few reasons. The first is very important to me. My body isn't perfect and I was having problems finding clothing that made me feel beautiful and confident and stylish all at the same time. Until I found LuLaRoe. Now I get to pass that on to other women and I'm so proud of that. Because I feel that EVERY woman should feel beautiful, comfortable and confident in their clothes no matter their size.
I work a full-time job doing website design and decided to sell LuLaRoe on the side because, not only did it make me feel amazing, I wanted to provide more for my family. My husband and my kids are my world. This year, my daughter started Early Childhood and we had to find a new daycare that was in her school district. The daycare ended up being much more expensive, but it was necessary so that the school would bus her there. The Early Childhood program will help her tremendously with her speech and I want to give her the chance to have all the resources she can. So, my goal is to be able to pay for daycare with the money we make from LuLaRoe, and maybe someday pre-school for her little brother.